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GET OUT! Back to Nature with Jack
Summer’s here! The kids are home! Now what?!
My usual summer mode of operation for keeping my kids busy is to scour the city’s list of events and calendar them in, plus block in time for the fun venues of entertainment nearby. This filling up of the calendar–I’m just not feeling it this year. Maybe it’s because I now have a teenager who isn’t as excited about those things, maybe I’m just tired, or maybe having 5 kids in general–one with autism–makes dragging kids to community events a little bit crazy.
Just Get Outside!
I’ve been contemplating the summer months for some time, planning this year’s “strategy” for a successful break. And you know what my thoughts kept coming back to?? The great outdoors. Get the kids outside. Let them get dirty, be a bit dangerous, do kid things. Slow down, and enjoy their childhood.
As we’ve gone on simple outdoor excursions in the past, I am always reminded of how happy Jack is in nature. I usually have to force him to go out, but once he’s engaged outside he comes to life!
While I was contemplating my summer outdoor quest, I came across this article from Autism Speaks regarding the importance of getting kids on the spectrum out in the world. The more Jack is exposed to, the more comfortable and adaptable he is. (Here’s another article with tips on this subject.)
Slow Down!
Having 5 kids, we are out and about in general: watching each others’ sports games, running errands, dropping different kids off at various activities. I think the key to enjoyable outings is to slow down and let the kids explore the random spots of our surroundings. Our outdoor experiences can be simple and organic moments of our regular days. Climbing on rocks in parking lot planters is their current favorite pastime. (Never have I realized how many boulders are around town until I let my 3 year old point them out to me!)
On the days we don’t have anywhere to go, I am making it a point to encourage [force] the kids outside for a time. Just yesterday I had [most of] my kids go for a walk to the mailbox with me. It is ridiculously far away from our house and I usually quickly run over to it alone. The kids raced each other, took turns walking our dog, waved to neighbors, and practiced looking both ways to cross the street. Since my mindset was on getting the kids out to enjoy being outside, this simple ‘chore’ turned into a fun activity for all of us. And there will be some days we will simply venture just outside our door to the yard for an easy breath of fresh air.
This year, instead of searching the internet for any fun event around, I will be scanning the roadways for dirt, rocks, grass and trees. Bring on the [easy] hikes, the parks, the [calm] streams, [the shade!] and the simple moments of childhood. I feel I need the outdoors this summer!
>> What are your strategies for enjoying summer this year? What do your kids like to do outside? <<
FOLLOW US on Instagram @gojackgoblog ! I’m going to be using the hashtag #getoutsummer2017 to chronicle our summer outdoor activities. JOIN IN by using the hashtag to share your adventures!
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This sounds perfect!!
Yes! I couldn’t agree more!