I am a crier. Give me a thought of something…
Oh Jack, Sometimes You Surprise Me: AUTISM HAPPY MOMENTS
Sometimes I think I totally know Jack. I know his autism, its restrictions and manifestations. I assume and expect certain behaviors and outcomes.
And then he does something that completely surprises me.
These “autism happy moments” are filled with pure joy.
He’ll laugh at a joke. Better yet, he’ll make up a joke. What?! I heard him snickering with some joke-telling cousins, and then he followed the pattern of their jokes to make up his own. I shared this original joke on instagram (follow us @gojackgoblog). Are you ready for a good one?
“Why didn’t the banana talk to the popcorn?
…Because it was in the library!”
See? Pretty awesome!
Don’t you love those moments that stop you in your tracks as you watch your child do something you didn’t expect? Whatever level they may be on, it’s exciting to get a glimpse of something outside the norm.
The rest of this will be illustrated with photos of our "autism happy moments", so get ready for a picture overload! I guess this guy surprises me more than I thought!
Any time Jack appears and helps me is a little shocking. He’ll watch me for a bit, and then he gradually sneaks in, grabs a tool to help, and tries his hardest to do what I’m doing. And then without warning, he’ll drop everything and leave. He’s had enough of the experience.
I love these little helper appearances—he wants to get involved and experience what he’s seeing others do. And they are great for his developing motor skills and muscles. Not to mention how much I enjoy the unique conversations and interactions we get to have with him during the activity!
We were given tickets to a major sporting event for Autism Awareness Month last April. Along with the tickets, we were given some earplugs, which caused me to wonder about how Jack would do with the major noise of a cheering crowd. Fully expecting to use the earplugs or cover his ears, I was surprised to see that he kinda liked the noise. I think it was intriguing and a bit energizing to him. There were flashing lights and some darkness and so much to see, but wow, he soaked it all in and had a great night!
It’s hard to tell what’s happening in this picture, but Jack is actually a tree sloth in a children’s museum. The huge milestone that I see is that for a significant amount of time this guy is holding up all of his body weight! There’s a pad directly under him, that in the past he would have totally leaned on. But not Tree Sloth Jack! Look at those muscles at work!!
Same with this climbing guy. What strength he has developed! And courage! And desire! This autism happy moment helps me to know that all the hours of occupational therapy are paying off!
Speaking of motor development, check out these FINE motor skills! First off, that he was even interested in touching small beads was a miracle. And he’s making a cool pattern AND he finished it! I can barely pick up those tiny things without messing up the design. We’ve seen such an improvement in his strength, grasp and precision. What fun it is for him to participate and succeed in crafty activities!
Jack goes to his older brother’s Scout Pack Meetings. I loved looking over to see him doing a stick pull game with a neighbor. Once again, muscles! With a friend!

Because his actions could have been really unpredictable, his dad did NOT actually let him shoot—but maybe in the future.
Jack watched his siblings get to fire off guns with great grandpa. He knew they were LOUD. Even though he spent the morning hidden under a blanket with his ears covered, he was watching and came out to request a turn. I was proud of him for being so brave to touch a rifle that produces such noise.

Seen: Jack smiling while riding on a pony. It’s true.
Was that enough pictures? I could go on! But I’m realizing what Jack has taught me in the past little while is this:
Do not let my assumptions of Jack’s abilities hold him back. He is capable of far more than I know. Just sit back, watch, and prepare to be amazed!
And that is what I would recommend to you. Enjoy those moments of surprise and wonder with your awesome kids!
>> What happy surprises have you seen from your kids? Please share your stories of their successes!! <<
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At age 7 he has finally ditched the training wheels! Though it took some firm coercion and a lot of sulking from him to finally do it. He’s now finally starting to enjoy his bike.
Wahoo! Riding a bike is a huge milestone that makes them feel so grown up!
I love this sweet happy little boy! He’s so amazing, capable and determined. I truly believe it’s because his family is so interested in his success. You are all such inspirations. ♡♡♡
Thank you! He is pretty amazing.